So, the topic a good one, the information is great, your on-mic manner is comfortable. Matt has to learn not to interrupt so damn much. Keep going, but either give him a stern lecture or try doing one with someone more capable of letting you finish a sentence. Cheers!

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Interesting conversation, but perhaps Matt could make every twentieth word or so "like", instead of every third?

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I think this is where you can see the benefits of a more professional fully staffed podcast. It makes me wonder how much cleaning up is done in post for The Weeds.

But anyway good topic you should do more podcasts like this!

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CAME HERE TO SAY THIS. Matt interrupts a) too much; b) at great length (not interjecting); and c) often to add not very much substance. It's like mansplaining but more intrusive.

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I also really appreciate that the episode on Substack synced really easily on my podcast app (Podcast Addict), which is not usually the case with private podcast feeds.

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I finally found the podcasst on my podcatcher app. I suggest that you tell people to search for "Voltcast" When I initially searched for "Volts", your podcast did not come up.

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It's lot faster for me to read than to listen (though of course it's a hell of a lot slower for you to write than to talk...

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Enjoyed the podcast, will definitely listen to the next one. Agree that Matt could be more artful with his penchant to interrupt and dominate the discussion. Would also love to stream audio of your written pieces, a la Audm (etc.)

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love the idea of minimal production and less structured podcast. May be sometimes 2-3 minutes editorial monologue, others a 5-10 min interview. Longer chats need to be well structured for listerenrs to return

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Loved it! More relaxed podcasts sounds great - I make the time to read, but finding the time to listen to a conversation is always a 10x easier.

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Liked the format - just need to get better at cueing switches in conversations (but you both got better at that as it went on). As a European it was fascinating to get an insight into "secret congress". I have a general theory that if we just elected people and let them get on with it they'd probably do a much better job without the need for the performative art of keeping their non-representative tribes on Twitter happy.

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Great listen, hoping for more of these! One note on Barrasso, while he is really awful, he does love carbon capture, including direct air capture. He's worked with Sen. Whitehouse on some decent bills like the USE IT Act. A very thin silver lining.

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Listened while driving, so a good use of time. Provided an energy perspective on the omnibus bill I had not seen anywhere else. Thanks.

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Splitting my attention while doing chores does not go well, so I’m much happier with 3000 word pieces.

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I like this a lot (and so does the dog, who tends to get longer walks when I'm listening to a podcast).

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I approve of this bundle, great podcast and good length. It had the ending we all deserved with Matt at the sound controls. "Shocking Takes" covers all bases, if you are soliciting names.

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@21:54 we will harness the power the fuels the sun... to own the libs. I can live with that lol

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Enjoyed this. Hope you do more podcasts in the future.

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@16:44 the tax credit cliff has proven to be a great motivator to getting contracts signed, from my time riding the solar-coaster, ironically enough

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